![Preloader Animation](/public/uploads/portfolio/preloader.jpg)
Preloader Animation
Created as part of a visual overhaul and worldwide expansion of the freeonlinegames.com website, the intention was to create a single preloader that could change dynamically depending on user location.
Below is the prototype version of the preloader animation, the user location is simulated by the input box. Once the user has entered a location code and clicked submit, the preloader will dynamically load in the relevant logos into the animation.
The spinning animation is given a 3D effect by adding a grey bar to add thickness to the spinning logo images. The grey bar is coded to follow the animated logo and adjust it's width dynamically depending on the position and size of the images. All code is written in ActionScript 3.
To further develop this concept for my own purposes, I added functionality to import images from any URL and scale the image accordingly to fit on screen. The images scale to a size of a max width/height of 250 pixels.
Currently the URL import function does not work online due to Flash player security, once I have found a work around this project will be updated.